How Home Automation Can Help You Adjust to Being Stuck at Home

With millions of Americans being asked to “stay home and stay safe" because of COVID-19, this extended period product key of social distancing offers a unique opportunity to experience home more fully than before. Some may be juggling work from home and family responsibilities or tackling long-overdue home improvement projects www.mcafee/activate. Others may be comfortably settling into life on the couch in their PJ's. Still, others may be starting to go a bit stir crazy. 

But those who have a home automation system will likely find our new normal easier to adapt to than others. Below are tips on embracing Cox homelife home automation to help make product key download your time at home more productive and peaceful. 

Automate Your Day

One of the biggest challenges to adjusting to life at home is maintaining some semblance of a normal schedule. If you're used to leaving the house or returning home at a certain time for your commute, you might find it difficult to separate your www.mcafee/activate home and work life now. Home automation can help by providing a tangible reminder that the workday is over.

Many people set their automated product key lighting to turn on when they come home in the evening. The same idea can be used even when you're already home. Using the Homelife app, you can schedule Smart LED lightbulbs to turn on in any room of the house. If you've got a separate office space where you work, schedule the lights turn off there and turn on in your main living area. 

Establishing your new automated routine download is simple with the Homelife app. You start by establishing Rulesfor your devices. Once you defined product key the rules for each device, you can group the devices together to form a Scence

Control Your Climate

Another important aspect of staying sane during this extended period of time at home is to make sure you feel comfortable — temperature-wise. Many people schedule their thermostats to drop to a lower or higher temp during the day www.mcafee/activate when they're not home to save money. Now that you're also product key home during the day, you may be inclined to keep the heat up — or the air-conditioning on low — but be careful of those costs.

Homelife home automation lets you monitor your thermostat remotely so you can balance comfort with your budget.

Keep an Eye on Your Front Porch

While most Americans are sheltered at home during this time, many are still out in the world working, especially delivery drivers product keywho are now dealing with an increase in online food orders and online shopping. These workers deserve a lot of admiration download and respect for doing a challenging job at a hard time. 

Because they're exposing themselves to a higher risk, it is important to help them limit their contact with other people. This is where the Cox Homelife video feed can help.With video streaming, you can see who is coming to www.mcafee/activate your door and be prepared for you next box of groceries, books or hand sanitizer.

Video streaming can also combat theft. Unfortunately, because of the dramatic uptick in online ordering, there has also been an increase product key in package theft in many places. Live video can help you keep an eye out for your package remotely and deter thieves.

Find What Works for You

This is an unprecedented time for our country and our world, but together we will get through it. Hopefully, these ideas product key can help you www.mcafee/activate leverage the power of your Homelife home automation system to make this unusual experience as comfortable download — and safe — as possible for you and your family product key.


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