
Showing posts from June, 2020

Darkshell DDOS Botnet Evolves With Variants

Darkshell is a distributed denial of service (DDoS) botnet targeting Chinese websites. It was found in 2011 and was  first analyzed by Arbor Networks. McAfee Labs recently analyzed a few new download samples that turned www.mcafee/activate out to be variants of Darkshell, and we found extensive variations product key in network traffic and control commands product key. The Darkshell bot follows a fairly product key standard installation process by copying itself into the System32 directory with a name that appears to be legitimate, for example, C:\WINDOWS\system32\WinHe803.exe. It then sends the product key system information of the infected machine to its control server in encrypted format. Once the control server receives the information, it responds downlo...

Myth: Apple Products Don’t Get Viruses

Have you ever bitten into an apple and found a worm? I have, and it’s yummy! Anyway, how many times have you heard , or even said, “I won’t get that computer virus because I have a Mac”?  While Mac users tend to feel www.mcafee/activate somewhat product key insulated download  from viruses, it’s time for anyone who owns an Apple computer, iPhone, iPad, or other Apple download  device to listen up product key . The growing popularity of Apple products has inspired cybercriminals to create viruses that will harm Macs. Until now, Macs have been immune to these threats, but McAfee Labs is seeing the very first wave of fake programs targeted at Mac users. In other words download , there are an increased number of programs known as “scareware,” which claim to protect users...

Social Networking Security Awareness

One in five online consumers has been a victim of cyber crime in the past two years. Social networking is product key a direct link to the problem. While social networks allow you to keep in touch with family and friends, there are issues to be www.mcafee/activate concerned about.Most concerns revolve around online reputation management, identity theft, or physical security issues. Social networking creates a risk of posting product key content that will be damaging to yourself, your profile being hacked or your credentials being compromised, or inviting burglars to download your home by publicizing your whereabouts. Facebook faces a security challenge that few companies, or even governments, have ever faced: protecting more product key than 500 million users www.mcafee/activate of a service that is under constant attack. I’m a huge propo...

Security Connected Framework McAfee

Recently Dmitri Alperovitch, McAfee’s VP of Threat Research, published a blog about Operation Shady RAT. In the blog and corresponding product key whitepaper  he details an investigation of targeted intrusions into over 70 global companies www.mcafee/activate, governments, and non-profit organizations over the last five years that appear to be sourced from a single actor or group product key. The targeted attacks used a combination of known attack components such as remote download access tools or RATS and spearphishing. Since the download release of this information, there have been questions regarding mitigation techniques for these types of attacks; we’ll look at some now product key product key. It’s important to note that there is no single product that can be plugged in tha...

Understanding How Bitcoin Mining Poses Security Risks

The value of Bitcoin has had its ups and downs over the past several years, but continues to attract interest Microsoft Customer Service in the midst of a chaotic market Support.Microsoft.Com/Help . The rapid growth of this alternate currency has Microsoft Support Phone Number dominated headlines and ignited a cryptocurrency boom that left consumers everywhere wondering how to get a slice of  Http //Support.Microsoft.Com/Help  the Bitcoin pie. For those that want to join the craze without trading traditional currencies like  Microsoft Support Phone Number U.S. dollars, a process called “Bitcoin mining” appears to be a great way to get involved. However, Bitcoin mining introduces a number of security risks. What is Bitcoin mining? Mining for Bitcoin is like mining for gold Support.Microsoft.Com/Help—you put in the work and you get your  Microsoft Support Phone Number reward. But instead Microsoft Support Phone Number of back-breaking labo...

The Security Implications of Telecoms McAfee

 The exchange of information product key  by electronic means, helps keep the world connected. You can thank modern telecom companies (think AT&T, Verizon, etc.) for that, as they’ve helped form economies and entire business infrastructures. From email and messaging to phone calls and www.mcafee/activate video calls, telecoms have become an product key intrinsic  part of our lives, allowing users to interact no matter where they are, which is important now more than ever.Because  Microsoft Support Phone Number their networks are so extensive, telecoms are a big target for hackers hoping download to gain access to their business nd wide customer base. Therefore, it’s important both businesses and consumers become aware of the potential threats to telecoms. Let’s take a look. The Challenges Faced by Telecoms While advancements in technolo...

Discuss about risk of Geo Location

Using your mobile’s built-in global positioning system (GPS) functionality allows location-based services (or geo-location) to locate and publish information about your whereabouts product key. Applications like Foursquare, Facebook and Yelp allow you to “check in” at places using your mobile phone, and then share your location with www.mcafee/activate friends or on social networks product key . The application knows download where you are because it taps into your phone’s GPS longitude and latitude data. It can actually be a product key nifty tool and a smart use of available technologies, like when you are trying to find directions to a place: the map www.mcafee/activate begins your directions where download you are, since it knows your location Some businesses even provide discounts or freebie...

The Internet and Today’s Youth: Protecting our Future

May has been another very busy month packed with events and plenty of travel! I spent a few days with some of our best sales people at the McAfee President’s Club in Venice product key and Croatia, followed by a short stop at thewhere I had the pleasure of catching download up with some of our German customers following my  www.mcafee/activate presentation to the attendees. There was no stopping there – the day after the Executive Summit I travelled straight product key back to Amsterdam for the McAfee Labs day at our Executive Briefing Centre. It was here that some of our EMEA journalists learned of the launch of McAfee’s vision for consumer security. The launch of this new service got me thinking about one particular demographic of consumer that is particularly vulnerable to threat: children. Today’s youth has been brought up with the advent of the internet...

Web Security Survival Guide for eCommerce business

Ecommerce is shaping up to be a major part of the global download retail market, with Forrester predicting that U.S. online retail sales alone will  With this in mind, it’s no wonder so many people hope to take advantage of these www.mcafee/activate profits by creating their product key own online business. Although it’s easier than ever to establish an online store product key, security is crucial to achieving long-term success. Aside from the legal and cosmetic processes, new eCommerce merchants must take other needed steps product key download to provide customers with a safe  www.mcafee/activate a nd secure site for purchasing goods product key. Below, we discuss six security related rules online retailers must follow in order to survive. Backend security b...

Android Phones Vulnerable to Loss of Data and Apps

Recently security researcher Ravi Borgaonkar discussed a vulnerability that caused a Samsung Galaxy SIII to return to a factory reset just by visiting a special website. Mobile phones have a number of useful codes that can be typed on the dialer screen to bring up product key system information (IMEI, firmware version, etc.). Usually they are used by a phone product key technician to verify settings download on your phone. In this case www.mcafee/activate, a special code that you can type into your phone to wipe all the information off your device can also be entered by a malicious web site. Visit it with your Android phone and you end up with a factory reset. There are really two parts to the remote wipe vulnerability: one is the existence of USSD codes that can erase all data on a phone; the other is the ability to enter those codes www.mcafe...

The Connected Home – Introducing Little Red Boxes

This will be old news to those of you who took the time to visit McAfee Focus 2012 , but for the rest – my team took the opportunity to introduce the concept of the McAfee “Little Red Box” in the Innovation roadshow.It’s a prototype project www.mcafee/activate that my team has been working product key on for some time now, and download will go some way to answer the need to  protect all the connected devices in your home.  My house is the classic connected home – I have the usual assortment of PCs and laptops that built up over the years, some relegated  www.mcafee/activate to the role of photo frame, others scattered around for occasional browsing and email use. There’s also the odd real photo frame (wirelessly connected to a media server of course), and on that topic product key, numerous and

Backup Security Best Practices

Network and mobile data breaches get much of the publicity today, but there’s another product product key key less publicized avenue susceptible www.mcafee/activate to both insider download and outsider attacks: backup. In early April, for example, Emory Healthcare in Atlanta lost the personal information. Threats to backups come from external hackers, company insiders, loss or theft of backup data and media in transit, and the employees of services you entrust your backup data and media to. Threats are not just about data theft www.mcafee/activate, but inattention to proper procedures, and intentional destruction of backup media and data that download suddenly become critical in the product key event of a disaster. Threats can product key also come from unregula...